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This Master does not accept new enrolments for course 2024-25
Organized in collaboration with the Fundación José Ortega y Gasset y Gregorio Marañón
The program for the Master's Degree in Government and Public Management (MGAP) aims to train professionals and researchers in the areas of government, administration and public policy.
To do so, the main pillars of government and public administration are presented throughout the program and the aspects necessary to successfully face any issue related to politics or administration that participants may need to solve are presented and critically examined. In sum, the program aims to offer a general view of the decision making process within the political system at the same time as looking closely at substantive topics such as public administration and public policy in order for students to master their complexity.
The main objective, upon completing the degree, is having obtained solid knowledge about the organization and functioning of the political system and having made a detailed reflection about the system and its complexities. The program aims not only to provide theoretical knowledge, but also train students in using tools in order to be able to face problems related to government and public administration, and to make critical judgments, reach conclusions and advance scientific knowledge about these topics.
Students will learn the methods, techniques and skills necessary in order to work in professions related to government and public administration and will begin to learn about research techniques for topics that make up the program.
This program is adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and its course loads is measured in ECTS credits, which is the standard used by all universities in the EHEA to guarantee homogeneity and quality in university studies.
Regular Pre-Enrolment Period: January 9 to February 13, 2024 (until 23:59 p.m. Madrid time)
Enquiries regarding the pre-enrolment process should be addressed to:
Regular Enrolment Period: From February 24, 2024, within 10 calendar days of receipt of the notification of admission.
Submission of documentation: from the time of enrolment until the first two weeks of the course.
Enquiries regarding the enrolment process should be addressed to:
Additional information can be found at this link
Ricardo García Vegas
Professor of Political Science and Public Law, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Contact e-mail:
Admission of candidates will be decided by the Academic Committee for the Master's according to the conditions for access and specific requirements for admission to the program with the objective of not surpassing the 30 spaces established as the course maximum.
Information: Fundación José Ortega y Gasset y Gregorio Marañón
Fortuny, 53. 28010 Madrid. Tel.: (34) 91 700 41 49 / 68
Classes are taught at the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (ILE). Paseo del General Martínez Campos 14, 28010, Madrid.
The master’s degree is 100% online and designed for participants to make academic obligations compatible with their jobs.
A detailed academic calendar is provided with virtual sessions and training activities that will have to be carried out during the academic year.
It lasts one academic year (60 ECTS credits):
• Students must complete 30 credits of the subjects offered in the first semester (March through June).
• During the second semester (June to September) the student must complete the remaining 30 credits.
• The student will have two calls for the defense of the Master's Thesis (one in October and one in December).
AF1.- Theoretical classes: development of theoretical content and the concepts in lessons. Onsite activity.
AF2.- Practical classes: application of theoretical content to analyze specific problems which will allow the student to understand and assimilate content. This includes presentations, seminars, debates and agreement on the analysis of the content presented in the theoretical sessions. Classes will take place in the classroom, the computer lab, through workshops, case studies problem solving and program evaluation. Onsite activity.
AF3.- Tutorials: mandatory meetings between students and professors, either individually or in small groups, to direct learning in a personalized way as well as to resolve doubts regarding lesson and project content, preparing presentations and in-class participation. This includes online tutorials via the virtual campus. Mixed or on and offsite activity.
AF4.- Individual and group work which will allow students to develop the theoretical content autonomously and apply it to case studies, publicly presenting their conclusions. Mixed activity.
AF5.- Other individual work by students which includes the Virtual Campus resource and completing evaluation exercises. This area consists of students' work designing presentations and activities, participating in reading and study groups and preparing for exams. This includes using the virtual campus and the student's activity there as well as the use of ICT tools, completing diverse tasks such as self-evaluation exercises or participating in forums and consulting the database to obtain bibliography and documentary material. This section also consists of students' evaluation activity for both continuous and final evaluation. This is a mixed activity.
To achieve the objectives for each of the modules, a theoretical/practical method will be applied consisting of the professor presenting theoretical explanations they find essential, however this does not jeopardize the use of material analysis and case studies to teach the material. The syllabi for different lessons will indicate the materials and cases to analyze, reading to be done and writings to complete and turn in for each session, if applicable. Before each session students will study the provided material, paying special attention to recommended reading as well as analyzing materials or completing the corresponding writings.
MD1.- Master classes
MD2.- Solving practical exercises
MD3.- Communicating experience
MD4.- Working with scientific texts (commenting on texts)
MD5.- Individual and group work
MD6.- Synchronous and asynchronous work
The students have in the Virtual Campus, for each subject, a presentation of the subject, in written form and by means of a video in which each professor gives a brief description of his or her subject. A section of basic documents is included where the subject guide and the teaching plan are included. The subject guide includes the identification of the subject, as well as an initial presentation; the competencies expected to be achieved; the content with the detailed syllabus; the training activities, the required and recommended readings, the work time for the different activities; the methodology and the general work plan; the evaluation methods; the resources and teaching materials with the bibliography; and the teacher's profile. Translated with (free version)
Evaluation of students' performance for each lesson will be done keeping in mind the attendance regimen (students must accredit having attended a minimum of 70% of the teaching hours for the program), in-class participation and the grades obtained on tests. The integration of evaluation systems facilitates measuring the level of skill acquisition and guarantees that students have the same common system for each module and the commitment of the program's academic staff. At the same time, it also facilitates teaching coordination among the faculty who may share a subject.
SE1.- Commenting on readings
SE2.- Analyzing practical cases and/or solving problems
SE3.- Knowledge tests, written questions related to concepts, topics or short questions and written tests which are multiple choice or single answer.
SE4.- Group projects
SE5.- Individual projects
SE6.- Public defense of the conclusions from the Master's Thesis in front of the evaluation committee.
Our societies are immersed in major changes which have repercussions on the way political powers act and on the complexities of the challenges that governments face. This reality has led to a growing need for trained professionals in the areas of government, administration and public policy who are able to understand decision-making processes and contribute to improving administration and public policy performance.
The Master's Degree in Government and Public Administration (MGAP) is an academically rigorous program specially designed to understand how the public sector works, be able to contribute to its improvement and analyze how its changes (fiscal crisis, ICTs, globalization, public-private partnerships, etc.) give rise to modifications in structure, processes and tools.
The Master has been recognized for several years in a row as one of the best graduate programs in Spain in the area of political science and public administration according to the ranking by the El Mundo newspaper. The program provides the oportunity to further access doctoral programs in any university within the European Higher Education Area.
The combination of studies in the areas of government, institutions, administration and public policy gives this Master's distinguishing marks which separate it from other programs at the national and international level.
Based on a focus on political science and administration, the curriculum ties together a specialized analysis of transformations that have occurred in political institutions (both national and supranational), the role political (especially political parties), social and economic agents play and the interaction of administrative structures which will result in public policies which try to meet these new demands in the context of growing interdependency and complexity.
CG1.- Identification and application of concepts, principles, theories and models for political and administrative analysis in new or unfamiliar environments and wider (or multidisciplinary) contexts.
CG2.- Familiarization with and use of methodology for administrative intervention in complex and changing environments.
CG3.- Systematic creating of written compositions or motivated reasoning, writing plans, proposal, projects (or research) or scientific articles with some degree of originality and forming a reasonable hypothesis in the field of political and administrative analysis.
CG4.- Forming and supporting judgment based on unique and objective criteria, external regulations or personal reflections as a political analyst.
CG5.- Acquiring and using skills for publicly presenting ideas and arguments, methodology and procedures in completed texts and research reports.
CG6.- Use of the communication techniques and instruments necessary to advise institutions, organizations and public administrations.
GC7.- Acquisition and development of learning skills that allow graduates to continue studying in a way that is largely self-directed and autonomous.
CT1.- Ability to analyze and synthesize
CT2.- Ability to plan and organize
CT3.- Knowledge of oral and written communication techniques
CT4.- Ability to manage information.
CT5.- Problem solving.
CT6.- Ability to criticize and self-criticize.
CT7.- Interdisciplinary group work.
CT8.- Ethical commitment to public service.
CT9.- Using information and communication technology.
CE1.- Mastery of the advanced methods and strategies for social intervention in the study and analysis of governments and public administrations.
CE2.- Mastery of the advanced methods for detecting and analyzing social problems.
CE3.- Identifying, defining and describing the forms of intergovernmental management and coordination and multilevel cooperation techniques.
CE4.- Description, familiarization with and analysis of the formation of political action networks and the techniques of public and private cooperation in providing public services.
CE5.- Familiarization, evaluation and discussion of ethical principles which should guide actions of public employees and the ability to design codes of conduct and other instruments to guarantee transparency and accountability.
CE6.- Familiarization and specialized use of human resource direction techniques, cultural elements in organizations, team direction, motivation and the participation of people under their direction.
CE7.- Ability to design and put advance plans for public action into place and to implement administrative action.
CE8.- Ability to identify and analyze organizational design problems and form organizational reform and administrative modernization plans.
CE9.- Ability to design actions for administrative simplification and bureaucratic process streamlining.
CE10.- Ability to form and direct strategic plans.
CE11.- Familiarization and use of advanced techniques for economic, financial and budget management analysis applied to public organizations.
CE12.- Familiarization and use of tools and methodology for quality management design, implementation and improvement for public services.
CE13.- Ability to analyze and design political and institutional communication plans.
CE14.- Ability to analyze and design plans for civic participation in designing and implementing public policy and providing public services.
CE15.- Ability to analyze and form plans for electronic administration and other administrative modernization policies.
CE16.- Ability to use specialized techniques to analyze the processes of making decisions and forming public policy.
CE17 - Ability to complete specialized analysis of the implementation and management of public policy.
CE18 - Use and analysis of advanced evaluation techniques for public policy and experience at a comparative level.
CE19.- Ability to complete specialized analysis and drafting of public policy.
CE20.- Identification and analysis of the main topics of public debate and political information and message communication.
CE21.- Specialized description and analysis of how political institutions work and the decision making process from a comparative perspective.
CE22.- Identification and discussion of the main socioeconomic, cultural and territorial conditions for political structure and complete case studies on different geographical areas.
CE23.- Recognize and debate the major classical political and more contemporary texts in order to identify the principles of a good government.
CE24.- Identification and study of the different phases and mechanisms in the negotiation and political mediation process between political (state and non-state) and private agents.
CE25.- Identification and analysis of the forms of action and strategies of pressure groups and collective negotiation about different levels of government and administration.
CE26.- Identify and point out the main characteristics of political representation structures and party competition models to establish their relevance in the public decision-making process.
CE27.- Identification, analysis and evaluation of globalization scenarios and their consequences in the decision-making process among governments and public administrations at a comparative level.
The Master's is especially aimed towards university graduates from the field of Social and Legal Sciences, although students trained in other areas of knowledge can also be admitted in the case that they can accredit a basic training in the areas related to the program and provided they are interested in developing and strengthening their career in one of the following fields:
The public sector
Third sector organizations
Consulting and technical assistance bodies
The private sector
International bodies
Students will learn the methods, techniques and skills necessary in order to work in professions related to government and public administration and will begin to learn about research techniques for topics that make up the program.
Throughout the program, students acquire skills for a double specialization, both professional and in research.
Access with an official university degree from Spain or the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): Admission to the Master's Degree in Government and Public Administration requires an official university degree from Spain or another higher education institution belonging to another Member State of the EHEA which grants access to study a Master's Degree in the country of origin. Special preference will be given to degrees in the diverse fields of knowledge related to the discipline being studied. University graduates from other areas of knowledge apart from the field of Social and Legal Sciences may also be admitted if they accredit training in subjects related to the program.
Access with a university degree from outside the EHEA: Students with degrees from education systems outside the EHEA can be accepted without requiring official recognition of their degrees by accrediting that the level of studies is the equivalent to that of official university degrees in Spain and that the degree allows access to postgraduate studies in the country of origin.
Access for these students depends on a favorable decision from the Rector. The decision by the Rector will never imply official recognition of the degree the student possesses nor its recognition for purposes other than to study the Master's Degree.
Universal accessibility will be guaranteed and the necessary resources and support will be monitored for those students with disabilities in order to assure the correct completion of the Master's. We ask that these students indicate their specific needs when enrolling.
In this link you can consult the UIMP Protocol for the attention of students with specific educational needs.
The admission process will evaluate the following requirements:
Degree granting access. The university degree's level of suitability to contents in the Master's will be valued. Weight: 15%
Academic transcript. The average grade on the academic transcript will be taken into account. Weight: 50%
Professional experience. Weight: 10%
Motivational letter about the reason for choosing the program. Weight: 10%
English skills. The ability to understand and speak English in both written and oral form is required as the classes will be given in this language in the case that foreign students register who cannot express themselves in Spanish. To demonstrate knowledge of the language, students must show proof of a B2 level in the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages. Weight: 10%
Other merits. Weight: 5%
The Academic Committee for the Master's will be in charge of examining and evaluating admission applications and approving the accepted candidates according to the previously mentioned criteria. The Academic Committee will publish a list of accepted students each academic course on the UIMP website.
Once enrolled, the main support and guidance of the students is provided by
the members of the program coordination team (coordinator and administration
staff) in a personalized manner, through the tools available on the virtual
campus and via email.
Students can count on the technical service (24 hours) of the virtual
campus managed by the technology team responsible for managing the platform.
Students can refer them any issues at any time to be resolved in a short time.
Students are also asigned a personal tutor in charge of personal and individualized remote monitoring of the student. The turo is responsible for accompanying, helping and advising the student throughout the learning process.
In order to guarantee the educational orientation to the student, the Master coordination will have at least two interviews throughout the program in which it will guide students in academic matters (tutorials and Final Master’s work) and non-academic ones that may affect their performance. The coordinator of the master will maintain regular communication with the students, following the academic performance of each of them.
Ricardo García Vegas, Phd in Government and Public Management, Researcher at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset (IUIOG)
Cristina Ponce de León, Master in secondary education and bachelor in History of Art.
Contact email:
Alda Fernández, Mercedes, Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Arenilla Sáez, Manuel, Chair of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Director of the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP)
Bazaga Fernández, Isabel, Professor of Political Science, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Casal Oubiña, Daniel, Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Closa Montero, Carlos, Professor or Research. Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
del Campo García, María Esther, Chair of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
del Pino Matute, Eloísa, Scientist, Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
García Vegas, Ricardo, Phd in Government and Public Management, Researcher at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset (IUIOG)
Gómez Galán, Manuel, General Director of Fundación CIDEAL de Cooperación e Investigación
Güemes Ghirardi, María Cecilia, Phd in Political Science, Researcher García Pelayo, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC)
Leonisio Calvo, Rafael, Postdoctoral Investigator in Political Science, Universidad del País Vasco
Llera Ramo, Francisco José, Chair of Political Science and Administration, Universidad del País Vasco
López Basterra, Joseba, Human Resources Specialist, Gobierno Vasco
Montero Gibert, José Ramón, Chair of Political Science, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Oñate Rubalcaba, Pablo, Chair of Political Science and Administration, Universidad de Valencia
Ramió Matas, Carles, Chair of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Ramos Gallarín, Juan Antonio, Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Ramos Rollón, María Luisa, General Coordinator of the Conference of Ministers of Ibero-American Countries (COMJIB)
Ruano de la Fuente, José Manuel, Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ruiz-Huerta Carbonell, Jesús, Chair of Applied Economics, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Salvador Serna, Miquel, Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Sánchez Naranjo, Consuelo, Consultant, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Vallespín Oña, Fernando, Chair of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Velasco González, María, Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Villoria Mendieta, Manuel, Chair of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Classes will take place from March through December 2024.
Students are continuously evaluated through partial onsite tests, presenting and discussing individual or group projects and active participation in onsite sessions.
To pass the MGAP, students must satisfactorily complete each of the lessons which make up the syllabus as well as the End of Master's Project. This will allow for a comprehensive evaluation of the student’s acquired skill level. Students whose academic performance is below the minimum level required will be excluded from the program.
Upon completing and passing the course, students enrolled in the Master's program will receive the Master's Degree in Government and Public Administration from the Rector of the UIMP.
1st call: October 24 and 25, 2024 (defense is performed online)
2nd call: December 16 and 17, 2024(defense is performed online)