Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Commission
The UIMP Commission for Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, chaired by the Vice Principal for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and made up of members, from outside the UIMP, who are specialists in a range of fields of knowledge, assesses the proposals made for the creation of Postgraduate Studies (official and UIMP-based), proposes new Programs, and issues mandatory reports to the Governing Council, prior to the adoption of the Programs concerned, based on the quality-related criteria it has set down regarding the inclusion of new Studies within the University's catalog.
The Commission performs the functions of accumulating information about, monitoring, and evaluating those Postgraduate Studies which have been implemented, while also proposing to the Principal the authorization of the admission of students who have received their non-homologated academic training abroad, and also issuing assessment reports on the admission of Doctoral students into the research phase of those same Studies, as well as authorizing the supervision of Theses, and also, in response to proposals put forward by Directors of Studies, issuing decisions on applications received for the homologation of credits, also undertaking the approval of proposals concerning the appointment of Doctoral Theses Examining Boards, as well as authorizing the public defense of Theses.