Postgraduate and Research

Structure of Doctoral Studies Programs

The doctoral training activities of the Menéndez Pelayo International University, under Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28 January regulating Official Doctoral Studies, will be articulated through Doctoral Programs.

The Doctoral Programs of the Menéndez Pelayo International University may be from the Menéndez Pelayo International University or joint with other Universities and may count on the collaboration, expressed through the corresponding agreement, of other public or private bodies, national or foreign (in accordance with Article 8.2 of Royal Decree 99/2011).

Proposals for the creation of Doctoral Programs of the Menéndez Pelayo International University will be informed by the members of the UIMP Commission for Postgraduate Studies, specialists in the area of knowledge to which the proposal corresponds or, where appropriate, by an expert, or several experts, from the scientific field of the proposal, submitted to the Vice-Rector of Postgraduate and Research for approval, prior to its approval by the Governing Council.

The cancellation of a Doctoral Program may be proposed by the Vice-Rectorate of Postgraduate and Research. This proposal shall be submitted to the UIMP Governing Council for approval.

Organisation of Doctoral Studies Programs

Doctoral Programs will include all aspects of research training, without having to be structured in credits. They shall include transversal and specific training in the scientific field of each Doctoral Program. The organisation of such training and the control procedures relating to its effectiveness shall be described in the Study Plan of each Doctoral Program.

The educational activities carried out by doctoral students will be recorded in the Doctoral Student's Activity Document (DAD), which will include an individualised record of the control of these activities.

The main activity of the doctoral student will be research, which will consist of carrying out original research work in any field of knowledge, supervised by the Thesis Supervisor(s).

Doctoral Studies will guarantee, at least, the acquisition by the doctoral student of the competences listed in article 5 of Royal Decree 99/2011 and the competences listed in article 8 of Royal Decree 1027/2011, of 15 July, which establishes the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. 

Organisation and operation of Doctoral Programs

UIMP Doctoral Programs will be organised, designed and coordinated by its own Drafting Committee, in accordance with UIMP regulations and statutes and the collaboration agreements between UIMP and the institutions involved in the Doctoral Program.

The Drafting Committee of each Doctoral Program will be chaired by a Coordinator appointed by the Vice-Rectorate of Postgraduate and Research, by agreement between the Rectors of the participating Universities in the case of an inter-university Doctoral Program, or in the manner indicated in the agreement with the institutions that collaborate with the UIMP in the said Doctoral Program.

Once the Doctoral Program has been verified, its academic management will be carried out by the Academic Committee of the Program. 

Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program

Each doctoral program will have an Academic Committee that will be responsible for the academic management of the program. It will meet at least twice a year, at the beginning and at the end of the academic year.

This Committee will be responsible for the admission of students, the monitoring and review of the Doctoral Program, and will actively participate in the processes of monitoring, modification, accreditation and any other evaluation program with the ANECA or any other national or international accreditation agency. It will also be the interlocutor with the Quality Commission of the UIMP.

The Academic Committee of each of the Doctoral Programs will be constituted by:

  • The Academic Director of the program, who will act as President.
  • The Academic Coordinator, who will act as Secretary.
  • A representative of each of the institutions participating in the Program.
  • The Coordinator of Studies and Programs of the UIMP, or the person delegated by him/her.
  • The Vice-Rector of Postgraduate and Research of the UIMP, or person delegated by him/her.
  • Up to a maximum of two experts of recognized prestige in the thematic area of the program appointed by the Vice Rector of Postgraduate and Research of the UIMP.

Functions of the Academic Committee:

  • Approve the Doctoral Program admission process.
  • To assign the Tutor to the doctoral student.
  • To assign the Thesis Supervisor(s) (where applicable).
  • Authorize Tutor and/or Thesis Supervisor(s) modifications on a reasoned form.
  • Approve the Research Plan of each doctoral student.
  • Evaluate, on an annual basis, the Doctoral Student's Activities Document (DAD) and the updating of the Research Plan.
  • Approve the specific supplementary training to be carried out by each doctoral student, if necessary, as set out in the Study Plan.
  • To authorise the admission of part-time students following the admission criteria established in the Study Plan.
  • To authorise the duly justified extension of studies requested by a doctoral student.
  • To authorise the duly justified request for temporary withdrawal from the Program.
  • Appoint two experts to assess the relevance or otherwise of each Doctoral Thesis prior to its deposit.
  • To authorize or not the deposit of each Doctoral Thesis according to the assessment of the expert reports.
  • Send to the Vice-Rectorate of Postgraduate and Research the documentation generated during the processes for the authorization of the deposit of the Thesis.
  • To propose to the Vice-Rectorate of Postgraduate and Research the Thesis Examining Board.
  • To develop its own regulations for the preparation of Doctoral Theses by compendium of publications and to authorise the presentation of Theses made in that format.
  • Authorize the consideration or not of “Confidential Thesis”.
  • To safeguard the confidentiality commitments of Doctoral Theses that due to their content are subject to confidentiality clauses.
  • To carry out any other management that may be necessary for the proper functioning of the Doctoral Program.

Academic Director of the Doctoral Program

Each Doctoral Program will have an Academic Director who, at the proposal of the Vice-Rectorate of Postgraduate and Research, will be appointed by the Rector, or by the agreement of the Rectors or as indicated in the agreement when it is a program in collaboration with other institutions.

The Academic Director will be a researcher of recognised prestige in the scientific field of the Program with extensive experience in the supervision of Doctoral Theses and who can justify the possession of at least three recognized periods of research activity or equivalent merits that will be assessed by the UIMP Commission for Postgraduate Studies.

The term of appointment as Academic Director shall be three years, with the possibility of renewal.

Functions of the Academic Director:

  • To direct the activities of the Program and ensure the continuity and fulfillment of its objectives, ensuring that the Doctoral Program is developed with the maximum degree of efficiency, quality and success.
  • To validate the documents associated with the management of the Doctoral Program.
  • To encourage cotutelle agreements and international collaborations.

Academic Coordinator of the Doctoral Program

Each Doctoral Program will have a Coordinator, who, at the proposal of the Vice-Rectorate of Postgraduate and Research, will be appointed by the Rector, or by the agreement of the Rectors or as indicated in the agreement when it is a program in collaboration with other institutions.

The Coordinator shall be a relevant researcher, endorsed by the prior direction of at least two Doctoral Theses and the justification for possession of at least two recognized periods of research activity, or equivalent merits to be assessed by the UIMP Commission for Postgraduate Studies or, where appropriate, by an expert in the scientific field of the Doctoral Program. 

The term of appointment as Academic Coordinator shall be three years, with the possibility of renewal.

Functions of the Academic Coordinator:

  • Coordinate the activities of the Program and ensure the continuity and fulfilment of its objectives, ensuring that the Program is developed with the maximum degree of efficiency, quality and success.
  • To represent the Programe before the Vice-Rectorate of Postgraduate and Research and to ensure that the agreements acquired in relation to the Program are fulfilled.
  • To ensure that the members of the Program are informed of any matters related to its activities that may affect them.
  • To convene the meetings of the Academic Committee.
  • To manage the documentation generated by the Academic Committee.