Spanish Courses

Call for applications 2022

Courses included in the call for applications

Application deadline: 3 May 2022

Table of contents

General information (Description, Beneficiaries, Modalities)

Description: the Menéndez Pelayo International University awards scholarships for the attendance in the academic activities organised at its campuses during the year 2022.

Beneficiaries: Students and university graduates


  • Full Scholarship: The full scholarship consists of accommodation in a shared room and full board in the facilities of the Menéndez Pelayo International University or in other student residences, and a tuition fee exemption on the requested academic activity. Full scholarship grantees must pay the administrative fees.
  • Full scholarships are only available for on-site academic activities held at the Santander campus.
  • Tuition Scholarship: The tuition scholarship consists of a tuition fee exemption in the requested activity, either in on-site or online mode. Tuition scholarship grantees must pay the administrative fees.
  • Accommodation Scholarship: (exclusively for students enrolled in the course: Ciclo de Conferencias del Máster Interuniversitario en Historia Contemporánea) The accommodation scholarship consists of accommodation in a shared room in the facilities of the Menéndez Pelayo International University or in other student residences.

Requirements (Requirements to apply for a scholarship)

1. Eligibility criteria:

a. Nationality: applicants must be Spanish citizens, citizens of a European Union member country or non-EU citizens with legal residence in Spain.

b. Academic qualifications::

- Students enrolled in the academic year 2021-2022 or 2022-2023 in official studies leading to the obtention of an official Bachelor's, Master’s, or Doctoral degree at a University of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) or an equivalent degree.

- Or students having completed any of the official studies listed above after December 31, 2017.

c. Average grade of the degree: applicants must certify an average grade in their academic transcript of Degree -or equivalent- equal or higher than 5 points out of 10.

- If the applicant has not completed a Bachelor’s degree, the arithmetic average of the ECTS credits obtained to the date of the application will be considered.

- Applicants not enrolled in the Spanish university system will need to provide a personal academic transcript and accredit an average grade-equivalent to the Spanish university system, issued by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training through the following link:, dated prior to the deadline for submission of applications.

- If the applicant has been admitted to university studies for the first time in the academic year 2021-2022 or 2022-2023, and before the end of the deadline for submitting applications is unable to provide an academic certificate with the average grade of his university transcripts, he or she must provide an official document of its University entrance average grade, on a scale of 0 to 10, as well as document attesting enrollment in Undergraduate studies at a University in Spain or in the European Higher Education Area in the academic year 2021-2022 or 2022-2023.

2. Non eligible students:

a. Current or former employees at the UIMP during 2021 and 2022.

b. Those who have a first-, second- or third-degree family relationship with members of the Governing Council or with employees at the UIMP who participate in the scholarship’s selection process.

3.  Incompatibilities: in addition to the general incompatibilities established in Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Law on Subsidies, and other applicable regulations, no more than one scholarship or grant from the Menéndez Pelayo International University may be awarded per year for the courses included in the catalogue of academic activities in the Annex to this call for applications. The award of the scholarship is incompatible with any other grant or subsidy for the same purpose.

Documentation and submission of applications (Submission of applications and Required documentation)

Applications must be submitted using the online form available at the University's website.

Required documentation: Along with the online form, applicants must provide and upload the following documentation scanned in PDF format:

a. Personal academic transcript, with an average mark in base 10 obtained in the official studies that you are taking or have taken, which in any case must be higher than 5.

  • The average mark that will be considered will be that corresponding to each of the levels of studies completed at Bachelor's, Master’s, and Doctoral level that the applicant certifies.
  • If the applicant has not completed a Bachelor’s degree, the arithmetic average of the ECTS credits obtained to the date of the application will be considered.
  • If the applicant has been admitted to university studies for the first time in the academic year 2021-2022 or 2022-2023, and before the end of the deadline for submitting applications is unable to provide an academic certificate with the average grade of his university transcripts, he or she must provide an official document of its University entrance average grade, on a scale of 0 to 10, as well as document attesting enrollment in Undergraduate studies at a University in Spain or in the European Higher Education Area in the academic year 2021-2022 or 2022-2023.

b. ID Photocopy, DNI or passport and, in the case of non-EU citizens, proof of legal residence in Spain.

c.If the applicant is enrolled in the academic year 2021-2022 or 2022-2023 in official studies leading to the obtaining of a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degree in a Spanish University, or equivalent, they must provide the registration receipt or supporting document.

Those who have completed the studies prior to the 2021-2022 academic year must provide the corresponding supporting documentation.

d. Those who have obtained an extraordinary prize in any Spanish University Faculty or the National Award for Excellence in Academic Performance, must provide the supporting documentation.

e. Beneficiaries of scholarships and grants to students of post-compulsory levels of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training must present the Scholarship Credential corresponding to the current academic year.

f. Unemployed applicants must present the certificate accrediting this condition issued by the competent institution dating prior to the publication of this resolution in the BOE.

Documents mentioned in points a), b) and c) are mandatory.

Participation in this call for applications implies that the applicant declares under his/her responsibility that he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this call for applications as indicated in point 4 of section 8 of the resolution, and that the data included in the application are true and correct.

Process (Deadline for correction, Selection criteria)

Deadline for correction:

Once the deadline for submitting applications has ended, the provisional list of applications admitted and excluded in this call will be published on the UIMP website, with indication of the reasons for exclusion because they do not meet or accredit the established requirements.

Excluded applicants will have a period of 10 working days, counted from said publication, to rectify any defects and provide the relevant documentation.


Selection criteria:

Applicants will be ranked according to the score obtained from 0 to 10 with two decimal places.

The applicants ranking criteria and the awarding of scholarships will be determined by the score obtained in the terms detailed below:

  1. Applicants must attach their academic certificate with the average grade of their transcript on a base of 10 which, in any case, must be higher than 5.

The average grade that will be considered will be the one corresponding to each of the levels of studies completed of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate.

For the purposes of ranking the applicants, the final grade will be the arithmetic average of the Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degrees that the applicant accredits, rounded off to two decimal places.

- The accreditation of the average grade of those who have not completed the Bachelor’s degree studies will refer to the arithmetic average of the ECTS credits taken up to the date of application

- Applicants not enrolled in the Spanish university system will need to provide a personal academic transcript and accredit an average grade-equivalent to the Spanish university system, issued by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training through the following link:

- If the applicant has been admitted to university studies for the first time in the academic year 2021-2022 or 2022-2023, and before the end of the deadline for submitting applications is unable to provide an academic certificate with the average grade of his university transcripts, he or she must provide an official document of its University entrance average grade, as well as document attesting enrollment in Undergraduate studies at a University in Spain or in the European Higher Education Area in the academic year 2021-2022 or 2022-2023.

2. If the applicant accredits any of the following cases, 0.5 points will be added to the average grade of the academic transcript, although in no case may the final grade will exceed 10 points:

- Those who have obtained an extraordinary prize in any Spanish University Faculty or the National Award for Excellence in Academic Performance, must provide the supporting documentation.

- Beneficiaries of scholarships and grants to students of post-compulsory levels of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training must present the Scholarship Credential corresponding to the current academic year.

- Unemployed applicants must present the certificate accrediting this condition issued by the competent institution dating prior to the publication of this resolution in the BOE.

3. In the case of equal scores, the registered date and time of submission of the application will be considered, with priority given to the previous ones over the subsequent ones.

Resolution (Resolution proposal, Obligations of the beneficiaries)

Once the different applications for each of the activities and modalities of the scholarship are evaluated, the Selection Board will issue a proposal for a final resolution of the award of the selected and alternate applicants, which will be published on the University website.

Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis.

Applicants who meet the requirements but who have not reached the ranking position needed for the obtention of a scholarship, will be ranked in each academic activity according to their scores and will be placed on the waiting list to replace successful applicants who resign to the scholarship.

Applicants proposed as awardees of a scholarship will have a period of 5 calendar days, counting from the following to the publication of the resolution to communicate their acceptance.

In case of resignation or withdrawal, they will have a period of 3 calendar days from the publication of the resolution.

If no acceptance or express resignation is submitted within the established deadlines, it will be considered that the applicant resigns to the scholarship and will be replaced by the next alternate candidate in the ranking.

No substitutions of the waiting list will be made for resignations or cancellations within a period of 3 calendar days prior to the start of the course.

Obligations of beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of the scholarships must attend the academic activities for which they have received the scholarship. They must prove attendance of at least 85 percent of the scheduled sessions to obtain the corresponding certificate of attendance.

They must also comply with the obligations established in section thirteen of the call for applications.


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