Sede donde se gestiona
Lugar de impartición
Santander - Península de la Magdalena (Hall Real)
Rory Barnes University of Washington, USAJosé Miguel Mas HesseCentro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA), SpainSecretaría
Carlos Briones LlorenteCentro de Astrobiología CSIC-INTA, SpainCOLABORACIÓN
Descripción de la actividad
*Curso acreditado por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte para profesores de enseñanzas no universitarias
With the detection of small planets orbiting nearby stars mounting and new characterization methods appearing, the discovery of life beyond the Solar System may occur in the near future. However, the challenges in recognizing habitable exoplanets, i.e. those with liquid water on their surface, remain significant. This School will bring together scientists interested in observational techniques that can probe terrestrial planet properties, as well as the physical processes that dictate planetary features such as planet formation, atmospheric phenomena, and geophysical effects.
Traditionally, the search for habitable planets beyond the Solar System begins with identifying terrestrial exoplanets orbiting in their host star's habitable zone: a shell around the star in which an Earth-like planet with an atmosphere could support liquid water on its surface. While this condition must be met, many additional features are important which can be roughly divided into factors due to the host star, the planetary system, and the planet itself. The School will explore the connections between these aspects of planetary systems that permit habitable surface environments. Thus, the intellectual connections the students develop at this School will facilitate interdisciplinary research that brings the groundbreaking discovery of life beyond Earth within our grasp.