Sede donde se gestiona
Lugar de impartición
Santander - Península de la Magdalena (Riancho-Bringas)
Sheldon Gil DantasProfesor de Análisis Matemático
Universidad de ValenciaSecretaría
Luis Carlos García LirolaDepartamento de Matemáticas
Universidad de ZaragozaCOLABORACIÓN

Descripción de la actividad
Este curso es susceptible de ser reconocido como formación permanente del profesorado para el personal docente de los centros que imparten las enseñanzas reguladas en la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de Educación, en base al artículo 21 y 29 de la Orden EDU/2886/2011, de 20 de octubre, por la que se regula la convocatoria, reconocimiento, certificación y registro de las actividades de formación permanente del profesorado.
The School is especially (but not exclusively!) aimed at young researchers and PhD students in Mathematical Analysis. The school will take place at the Palacio de la Magdalena (Santander, Spain) on July 17-21, 2023. It is supported by is organizad and supported by RSME and UIMP and also supported by Fundación Ramón Areces.
The school will focus on the interplay between lineal and non-linear properties of Banach spaces. This includes several trending research topics involving a large number of techniques: geometry of normed spaces, embedding of metric spaces (in particular, graphs), geometric group theory, optimal transport, operator theory and topology.
The school will include four mini-courses on the following topics:
- Verónica Dimant (Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina). Linearization of non-linear functions
- Gilles Lancien (Université Franche Comté, France). Non linear geometry and asymptotic properties of Banach spaces
- Abraham Rueda Zoca (Universidad de Granada, Spain). Geometry of tensor products and bilinear mappings in Banach spaces
- Richard Smith (University College Dublin, Ireland). Lipschitz-free spaces and representing measures
The courses will be complemented by contributed talks by junior and senior researchers.
The School is especially (but not exclusively!) aimed at young researchers and PhD students in Mathematical Analysis. The school will focus on the interplay between lineal and non-linear properties of Banach spaces. This includes several trending research topics involving a large number of techniques: geometry of normed spaces, embedding of metric spaces (in particular, graphs), geometric group theory, optimal transport, operator theory and topology. The school will include four mini-courses on the following topics:
- Verónica Dimant (Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina). Linearization of non-linear functions
- Gilles Lancien (Université Franche Comté, France). Non linear geometry and asymptotic properties of Banach spaces
- Abraham Rueda Zoca (Universidad de Granada, Spain). Geometry of tensor products and bilinear mappings in Banach spaces
- Richard Smith (University College Dublin, Ireland) Lipschitz-free spaces and representing measures
The courses will be complemented by contributed talks by junior and senior researchers